Shishir Vaid

About Shishir Vaid

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So far Shishir Vaid has created 22 blog entries.

Physical Security Threats


Physical security threats We know that physical security is the primary and foremost important while we talk about security. There are many threats in physical security that one needs to understand and mitigate. Mitigating physical security threats, individuals or an organization needs to take certain unavoidable steps. A few [...]

Physical Security Threats2018-10-26T07:40:11+00:00

Physical Security


Physical Security When we talk about security, physical security is one of the important and most vulnerable types.  Physical security is the protection of assets which are visible and actions that may cause damage to invisible assets. Physical assets are referred to as human, IT assets, furniture or anything [...]

Physical Security2018-10-13T07:39:58+00:00

Enterprise realization towards IoT potential


We know that mobile networks are going to play an important role in digitalization. First of all, mobile networks are to provide the strong backbone, similarly, the enterprise will take an end to end lead. Realization towards IoT potential by enterprises will actually help with the exponential growth of [...]

Enterprise realization towards IoT potential2021-04-16T09:20:08+00:00

Role of mobile networks toward IoT Opportunities


Mobile networks are going to play a major role in the world leading to digitalization. Role of mobile networks toward IoT is to provide strong backbone where an enterprise is going for an end to end lead. IoT opportunity in the automation industry A recent study shows that the [...]

Role of mobile networks toward IoT Opportunities2021-04-16T09:23:08+00:00

IoT Opportunities


As IoT opportunities, IoT devices are ready to lead the category of connecting devices by 2018. This category was earlier lead by mobile phones. A study estimates the great potential economic impact of approximately $11Trillion using IoT devices by the year 2025. IoT opportunities are going to impact with [...]

IoT Opportunities2021-04-16T09:27:31+00:00

Social Engineering – Attacks and Prevention


Social Engineering is another term that is used in the Information Security domain. It refers to the several activities resulting in frauds that are carried out, through human interactions. In other words, it is another way of manipulation, as a result, people share their confidential information with the source. [...]

Social Engineering – Attacks and Prevention2018-09-26T15:29:35+00:00

Importance and Usefulness of Human Firewall


Does this term "human firewall" sounds familiar to you? Does "human firewall" carry any relation with respect to "network firewall"? Is "human firewall" really required? If yes, how is it important and helpful in our everyday life? These are a few out of many probable questions which may come [...]

Importance and Usefulness of Human Firewall2018-09-26T16:05:18+00:00

Fears towards Digitalization and Conclusion


After understanding what is Robot, fears towards digitalization in broader sense and interlinking of technology & humanity, let us discuss fears in detail. Common fears towards digitalization: A robot is an Artificial Intelligence learning device and may learn to act badly. Penetration towards private information by hackers. Spying on [...]

Fears towards Digitalization and Conclusion2021-04-16T09:35:09+00:00
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