Career growth!!! Interesting subject when we think and act on it. While thinking of one’s career, there are many factors and questions which keep on popping up in the mind. Almost everyone among us considers that highly visible projects, courses, certifications etc. are something called key to career growth. Higher designations in the organization, expanded roles etc. are some other factors. Yes, no doubt these factors play a major role in one’s career. While pursuing our career, we generally forget one important ladder.

That ladder is to surround yourselves with the people who continuously make you starve to be successful exploring your own vision in unexpected ways. It helps in generating energy, impact, purpose and makes you genuinely rich that helps in seeing the success in a different way in your career. This synergy ultimately helps in exploring one’s own limitations and plays an important role as key to career growth.

Now question is, who are these people? Where and how one can find such people? These are the genuine people who have trust in you and always share honest feedback, let that feedback be bitter even. Such honest and genuine feedbacks help to explore our own limitations, discover new identities, and ultimately helps in gaining different, significant and better vision to our own selves.

Key to career growth

Let us follow certain guidelines which generally helps in finding such people around you.

People who inspires you

People who inspire you are the one who has great impact on your thought process, vision, actions and other dealings. These people may be members of your own family, teachers, great leaders of society etc. You get inspired by them through their thoughts, achievement, ways of working etc. It is not necessary that you meet with people who inspires you but you also get inspired by reading and learning about them, their work and their achievements. These people are your actual role models.

key to career growth

Aim to have mix of people

We all know that as an individual or an employee to the organization, we make changes internally which are good for business. Since it is for the organization, we must respect and adhere the same. Many a times, external links provide a different set of view or perspective which helps both ends succeed with desired benefits. It is advisable to have mix of people at personal level without hampering the organization policies.

Chase the right people

Chase the right people or your inspirations without any hesitation. Such chases open an opportunity for knowing your dreams and horizons and taking it to another or next level. These chases to meet your inspirations may sound witty but are worth for next course of action towards career growth rather than repenting on poor decisions.

Ask the Questions (One which are most important to you)

What shall I do for my career growth or personal life? Am I doing enough? Am I on right path? These are a few questions which I guess are one among the most important questions in one’s career and personal life. While analyzing such questions within ourselves, it is advisable to know our own capabilities, potentials, credibility and connectivity. These traits must get mapped to our own selves while analyzing. It is good to hear the true feedback from our own self as well as from our inspirations and friends who really care for us. These feedback helps in building true ourselves by bridging the gaps between our thoughts.


Key to career path is not limited but it must explore to widen the horizons. SKY IS THE LIMIT so do key to career path. I have shared a few guidelines which you may feel helpful while exploring your career. Happy reading!!!!

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